Community Coordinators

Help the people and communities you work with to be recognised contributors to a sustainable economy.

The Citizens Media® (CM) provides charities and cooperatives with online tools that give the communities they work a means to attract and upcycle funds for building economies from within.

The tools we provide enable the people you work with to be catalysts of change: discovering and developing opportunities for using their skills in meeting their ambitions for overcoming key challenges that “Business As Usual” has not been able to do.

How It Works

Community Coordinators are responsible for receiving and managing distribution of business funds, and overall accountability of the businesses you adopt. To qualify, you must be a registered charity or cooperative organisation that has connections and/or employees who can work directly with business members to:

  1. Distribute funds;
  2. Provide the support they need to discover and develop businesses, and;
  3. Create media that promotes what they do.

Your work will be subsidized by Community Sponsors and 5% of Active Funds.

Your ultimate purpose, beyond leading a business to its successful completion, is to guide the creation of solutions that can be carried forward and drive a long term impact for the sustainability and wellbeing of the community and its people.

Business Model PDF

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