Seed Our Growth Submitted

by Community Food Garden

Total Raised
Fund Now

The Bergnek Community Food Garden project addresses sustainable solutions to food security challenges faced by the people who live there. Our mission is to provide access to nutritious food, creating opportunities for people to take ownership of improving their health and well-being.


Submitted Opportunity

This opportunity has been submitted for review.

The Community Coordinator for this Funding Opportunity needs to fill in the total amount requested before the opportunity can be launched.

First we need water and a fence to protect the plants that we grow

Without food and water, getting out of poverty is impossible to do. Funds from this campaign will afford the water pump, fencing and seedlings we need to get growing. They will be used to develop a 100m2 sustainable community garden that will make local, affordable and nutritious food available from within our community.

Most of our wells have dried up and the lack of water in Bergnek has meant that growing things locally has been next to impossible. COVID and travel restrictions have made the situation increasingly hard. There is a borehole close to the land, but we will need to purchase a pump. Fencing is needed to keep livestock out and prevent theft.

Funds will also help to increase local skills and provide some employment. Skills will be developed as locals work in the gardens and keep you informed about what's going on. People employed through the funds wills work with apprentices, who will be paid through produce we grow.

This opportunity is by Community Food Garden.


What the funds will be used for.

Item Notes Quantity
Secure fencing for a 100 meter square garden The fence will secure the garden to reduce theft and keep animals out. 1
Install a water pump We will drill a borehole and secure a water pump so we can access water needed to irrigate the land. 1
Build a pump house The pump house will help keep the water pump safe and secure. 1
Produce Boxes Produce from seedlings will be bundled into 1kg produce boxes. Some boxes will be donated to apprentices. The rest will sold for Rand, or Pi. 1


Key production steps.

Task Notes How Long
Replace pipes to borehole This will be determined after meeting up with Piet and see the what can be salvaged from the pipes we already have 1 day
Clear a borehole and install a water pump This will be contracted to a company. 1 Week
Build a pump house This will be built by a local who grew up on a farm and will be able to build one the most cost effectively. 3-4 Days (including time needed for the cement to dry)
Construct a composter / start composting. Manure (mainly chicken feaces and organic food scraps) will be collected from the local area. Compost will be piled in the corner of the garden. Ongoing
Construct the fence This will begin by digging holes for the posts. 3-4 Days
Develop gardening plan As our knowledge and experience increases, permacultural methods for mixed planting will be used to reduce weeding and the need for fertilisers and pesticides. Ongoing
Prepare topsoil and beds Distribute compost, till the beds. 1 Day
Plant seedlings Observations will be used to develop the gardening plan. Planting will begin y weeks after we get project funds. 1 Day
Gardening Ongoing

Amounts in ZAR.


Task/s Who Cost
Installation of water pump (includes materials) Rebora Meetse 121,200


Description Supplier Cost
Seedlings Polokwane Garden Centre 359
Fencing materials Builders Warehouse 2,872
Supplementary compost and organic fertilizer Polokwane Garden Centre 400
Gardening tools Garden Rake, Garden Pick, Garden Trowel, Garden Hose, Garden Hoe, Shovel/Spade ; Garden Fork 1,800
Diesel for water pump I need to see if we can get a free supply from Municipality -
Transport to and from Bergnek (petrol and toll gates) Fuel to and from Bergnek ( 700 full tank plus 432 toll fee 2,264
Pump house materials Spoke to Piet, he will get back to me with materials needed -
Contingency fund Transportation and getting quotes and meetings while at Polokwane 800

Labour: What

Jobs Tasks
Lead Gardener Develops, updates and maintains a gardening and composting plan. Instructs and assists gardeners (workers and apprentices).
Gardeners Create compost: collect manure and organic waste from the local area. Distribute compost and organic pesticide. Plant seedlings. Watering. Weeding. Plant management.
Lead Builder Leads construction of the pump house, fence and composter.
Assistant Builder Assists Lead Builder
Accountability Manager Oversees and maintains accountability of project workers.
Produce Sales Director Collects, distributes and sells produce boxes. Maintains a record of sales.

Labour: Who

Job/s Business Member Commitment Pay
Fiat CIC
Lead gardener Philemon 30 hours per week for 6 months 12,000
Assistant Gardener 1 Eppie 30 hours per week for 6 months 9,000
Assistant Gardener 2 Maria 30 hours per week for 6 months 9,000
Apprentice 1 To be determined 10 hours per week for 3 months - 12 Produce Boxes
Apprentice 2 To be determined 10 hours per week for 3 months - 12 Produce Boxes
Lead Builder Piet Leads and completes construction of the pump house and fence. -
Assistant Builder Isaac Assists Piet throughout the construction of pump house and fence. -
Accountability Manager / Produce Sales Director Rainet -

When this opportunity gets funded, Community Food Garden will pay it forward by accepting Pi™ for:

What How Many Pi™ Value When
Produce Box
Each box will contain approximately 1kg of ( Cabbage, Spinach , Tomatoes, Onions , carrots , Beetroot
58 7 months